This festival, also known as Deepwali, takes place over five days in Nepal’s Terai region. All of the country’s ethnic groups celebrate this festival, worshipping the gods, as well as animals like the crow, cow, and dog, celebrating with lights being lit inside and outside of homes, and auspicious local snacks.
Location Terai Region, Nepal
This 15-day-long Fall festival is Nepal’s longest and most auspicious, worshipping the goddess mother in all of her manifestations. Taking place throughout Nepal, there’s a strong emphasis on family and community gatherings during the event, and on honorable principles of truth, justice and virtue.
Location Countrywide, Nepal
Durga Puja
This annual six-day Hindu festival celebrates the Hindu goddess Durga, marking the victory of the goddess over an evil buffalo demon, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. The important religious event includes worship of nature, as well as the display of idols and imagery to commemorate the goddess.
Location Countrywide, Nepal
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