Bangkok – March 6, 2015

Asia Specialist Remote Lands Launches Luxury Siberia Travel

Remote Lands, the world’s leading ultra-luxe bespoke Asia travel designer, has gone truly remote this week with the addition of Siberia to its portfolio of Asia travel destinations.

Siberia - the 32nd Asian destination on the Remote Lands list - is actually part of Russia, and is one of the most remote and unexplored regions on the planet. Covering over 6,200 square miles, it is a huge region with a climate varying from bone-chilling temperatures in winter to pleasantly warm summers, and a spectacular topography including the stunning Altai Mountains, beautiful Lake Baikal (the world’s deepest freshwater lake, and home to several unique species), and the amazing Putorana Plateau, a massive nature reserve and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Siberia’s diverse landscapes make it the perfect destination for outdoor activities. In winter, downhill skiing, sledging and snowshoe trekking are all popular activities, whilst in the warmer months, visitors can enjoy kayaking, hiking and white water rafting. The region also boasts a very diverse ethnic mix, with living descendants of the Mongols and Tartars along with Yupiks (Siberian Eskimos) and numerous other ethnic groups.

The region is also home to several historic cities, such as Irkutsk, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg, boasting a mix of ornate Baroque architecture and more recent Soviet structures, many of which are served by the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow - a great and relaxing way for visitors to explore the region. Other entry points include by air into Vladivostok (the ideal starting point for visiting more remote regions), or in combination with a trip to Mongolia or Western China.

Jay Tindall, Remote Lands’ co-founder and COO told us: “In the popular imagination, Siberia is a place of hardship and freezing temperatures. In reality, visitors are invariably pleasantly surprised to find a region of forests, lakes and mountains, beautifully preserved cities, and welcoming people.” He added: “Luxury travel isn’t just about 5-star hotels and private jets - it’s also about providing clients with new and unique experiences with the best possible accommodations and service, and in that respect, Siberia is the perfect addition to our destination catalogue.”

To find out more about luxury travel to Siberia with Remote Lands, visit their website or email [email protected]

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Aman Jet Expeditions

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