
Explore Asia’s UNESCO Sites in Style with Remote Lands

Call us: +1-212-518-1618 View in your browser. EXPLORE ASIA’S UNESCO SITES IN STYLE WITH REMOTE LANDS

Angkor Wat, Dambulla cave temple, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor – the heritage of Asia runs deep. UNESCO World Heritage sites can be buildings, forests, rice terraces, and can even stretch across a nation like the Great Wall. With Remote Lands, travelers can make a unique, informed journey through the abiding culture of Asia.


This 12-day private jet adventure through Southeast Asia will take travelers through Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos on an incredible journey through the heritage of Indochina. 

READ MORE > CLASSIC CHINA Visit the Forbidden City and the Great Wall of China in the Middle Kingdom’s north before heading south to Shanghai and on to the Terracotta Warriors of Xi’an. READ MORE > AMAZING ANGKOR

Explore Cambodia’s famous Wonder of the World and go to areas not often seen by tourists, such as Beng Mealea and Phnom Bakheng

READ MORE > UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE HOPPING IN TURKMENISTAN In one of the least explored countries in Asia, travel from the mosques of Kunya-Urgench to the ancient city of Merv. READ MORE >   UNESCO THE PLAIN OF JARS IN LAOS OFFICIALLY BECOMES A UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE After more than 20 years of effort, UNESCO finally presented Laos with a certificate recognizing the Plain of Jars earlier this week. READ MORE > UNESCO GYEONGJU: A WALK THROUGH THE SILLA KINGDOM IN KOREA’S CULTURAL HEART Seoul and Busan may have the luxury hotels, but it's Gyeongju that has the history. Travelers walk through centuries in this historic UNESCO World Heritage Site. READ MORE > UNESCO A DAY IN GALLE FORT: EXPLORING SRI LANKA’S COLONIAL HERITAGE From the 17th century architecture of the luxury Amangalla to some of the best seafood in Sri Lanka, a day in Galle Fort is for history lovers, epicureans, and shopaholics alike. READ MORE > Heritage DASHOGUZ TO MERV: 3 DAYS TO DISCOVER TURKMENISTAN It would be impossible to take in all the history, depth, and curiosities of Turkmenistan in just three days. Still, worth a shot. READ MORE >   #TakeMeToRemoteLands AS RECENTLY FEATURED IN • The Wall Street Journal • Town & Country • Departures • Travel + Leisure • Forbes • Condé Nast Traveler • BusinessWeek • National Geographic Traveler • Palm Beach Post • Chicago Tribune • Financial Times • BBC • Fox Business News • The New York Times REMOTE LANDS, INC.
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