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Inle Lake and Beyond


Despite its popularity, Inle Lake, in Shan State, is one of my favorite places in Myanmar. Here are some of my favorite experiences in the Inle Lake area, where it’s possible to discover a much more authentic Burmese culture.

Ballooning over Bagan


Just as the sun was starting to make its presence felt, we slowly floated upwards in our 8 passenger balloon. It was surprisingly quiet and serene. I quickly began to see Bagan in a way that I had missed on my many previous visits. The scenery was absolutely stunning

Facial Tattoos of Myanmar’s Chin Tribe


The Chin tribe of Myanmar, which live near the Bangladesh border not far from Mrauk U, are a people who wear facial tattoos. I journeyed to this corner of Asia to seek out the answers of why exactly do they undergo the process of getting such tattoos, which might seem extreme in Western culture.